GPS also specializes in line producing International Co-production films to be shot across the US. Mike S. Ryan is an Irish Citizen and that can be incorporated into the finance plan.
Greyshack has extensive knowledge of locations across the US and its tax credits. Greyshack provides scouting services and helps the international producers select the location that will be most beneficial for the film visually, financially and logistically.
Greyshack ensures that the producers are aware of all tax credit and film industry advantages when choosing to shoot in a particular state. Greyshack promptly consults the local Incentive film office and ensures that funds are still available in that particular state. Once the location has been selected, Greyshack submits the application together with the International producers and secures the funds. Greyshack sets up the new US Corporation needed to receive the credit and bank account eligible for receiving the funds.
Tax credits are currently available in New York for both production and post at 30% and New Mexico at 25% among many others.
Greyshack creates a realistic budget for the shoot that reflects local labor rates, unions, location fees and visa costs for the international crew.
Greyshack assists in acquiring visas for international crew, as well as hiring local crew for each international department head.
Mike performs all line producing services for the international producers during pre-production, production and wrap.